Fluke 287 True-RMS Electronics Logging Multimeter

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SKU: 287
Regular price 3,000.00 SR

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The Fluke 287 True-RMS Electronics Logging Multimeter is a versatile and advanced tool designed for electronics professionals. It features enhanced logging and graphing capabilities, making it ideal for documenting design performance and analyzing electrical signals.

  • TrendCapture: This feature allows users to graphically display logged data sessions, helping to quickly identify anomalies without needing to download data to a PC.
  • High Accuracy: The multimeter offers a basic DC accuracy of 0.025%, ensuring precise measurements.
  • Large Display: It has a 50,000 count, 1/4 VGA display with a white backlight, allowing for easy reading of multiple measurement sets simultaneously.
  • Logging Functionality: The device can store up to 15,000 recorded events, enabling extensive monitoring of signals over time.
  • Real-Time Clock: Automatically timestamps saved readings for better data management.
  • Multi-Lingual Interface: Supports multiple languages for user convenience.
Specification Details
DC Voltage Range 50.000 mV to 1000.0 V
AC Voltage Range 50.000 mV to 1000.0 V
DC Current Range 500.00 μA to 10.000 A
AC Current Range 500.00 μA to 10.000 A
Resistance Range 500.00 Ω to 500.0 MΩ
Capacitance Range 1.000 nF to 100 mF
Temperature Range -200.0°C to 1350.0°C
Frequency Range 99.999 Hz to 999.99 kHz
Weight 870.9 g (28 oz)